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The most advanced frame data Discord bot.

Frameality is a lightweight, ease-of-use Discord bot built for Mortal Kombat lovers. If you want information without having to jump on the game, this is for you.

Utilizes Specialized Help Commands

To start out, `!frame keys`, `!frame help`, or `!frame struct` to assist with the format needed for frame data commands. This will relay all the information needed to quick start. DLC characters will be added later, as well as being updated throughout patches. There may be bugs present, such as incorrect frame data. This is due to certain information in-game being incorrect

Character Specific Commands

To start out, `!frame keys`, `!frame help`, or `!frame struct` to assist with the format needed for frame data commands. This will relay all the information needed to quick start. DLC characters will be added later, as well as being updated throughout patches. There may be bugs present, such as incorrect frame data. This is due to certain information in-game being incorrect